Technical Articles

How can China Bullet proof shield & vests protect life?


High fibre vests are generally worn by the military, police, security personnel and law enforcement officers. Chinas bulletproof clothing can be termed to be ballistic vests and are designed to protect the wearer from unforeseen danger.

More about ballistic vests

These vests are created from specialized inbuilt fibers to enhance security and safety of the wearer as well as to protect their lives from metal fragments, shrapnel and bullets, etc. Core material use includes top quality, strong and durable fibre. Doing some research will help you to come across wide range of bullet proof clothing. It includes IIIA concealable NIJ Level undercover, flotation vests, executive, canine, etc.

NJ Level III Ceramic as well as Polyethylene plates tend to have superior quality inbuilt composition. They are used by the military and police force and do offer the wearer with the much needed additional protection. Often, they are termed to be wear & hide options required by the forces when battling insurgents and antisocial. Even journalists use it while carrying out various types of undercover operations or reporting in riot environments. Chinas bulletproof helmet and vests having plates are better worn in conflict reigns.  It is also a good choice for those posted in serious covert operations.

Specifications to note

When buying pepper spray or bulletproof vests, you need to understand the specifications. Going through the websites of leading pepper spray manufacturer and vest manufacturers will give you some idea. The specifications are rather displayed by a number system with NIJ. A few basic specifications include the following:

  • Conflict bulletproof vest: They are quite soft having body armour plates and belong to NIJ IIIA type.
  • Covert body bulletproof vest: They are soft vests and considered to be NIJ Type III A level vests.
  • Level IV NIJ plates should be worn in areas where there may be anticipated sudden attacks causing firing bullets that could pierce the armour, thus resulting in serious injuries and even death. Such vests offer enhanced full protected. Websites like can give detailed idea about the same.

Questions to know to select the best quality bulletproof vests

Whether you are interested to invest in a ballistic jacket or stun gun, you need to ask yourself few questions.

  • What type, rapidity and style of ammunition are to be used?
  • What style and type of weapon you might have to face in an attack?
  • Is the Bullet proof shield supplier/manufacturer approved or authorized by any recognized professional body?
  • What is the standard of the ballistic vest known to be verified? Are the tests reliable? Who performs the test and what is the process involved?
  • What is the right way to take care of the ballistic vest? What happens in case the vest gets wet in rain or water?
  • What is the weight of the Bullet proof shield and will it fit the wearer perfectly in hot and humid conditions? Can it be worn without getting tired or feeling uncomfortable for a long time?

Therefore, going through the above aspects will ensure getting a product that matches perfectly your specific requirements.